Sunday, January 17, 2010

Aloe Vera: Many miracles..... in the kitchen

It is also called the "Miracle Plant" or the "natural healer". is grown in hot, dry areas. Although many people mistake it for a plant belonging to the family of cacti, in fact, the Aloe Vera belongs to the lily family. It is, however, has the ability to close its pores to prevent moisture loss and, therefore; is able to survive in hostile areas where other plants would not be able to survive. Aloe contains over 160 different substances. Contains 13 vitamins and many minerals, including some vital minerals. These include: Magnesium, Chromium, Boron Germanium, Selenium and Zinc. Probably one of the components that contribute significantly to characterize the healing properties of plants and slime polysaccharide acemannan. The acemannan is a molecule that is located within the connective tissue. The body is able to produce the acemannan until puberty after which we shall introduce the power. The acemannan is a very rare substance that is found only nell'aloe true in ginseng, shitake in, the skin of sharks and nell'astragalo. The acemannan strengthens the immune system by activating phagocytes, antibodies and killer cells. These compounds also facilitates the disintegration of foreign proteins, which are often the cause of allergies in the gut. The regular intake of aloe juice before meals ensures daily intake of iron. The same goes for football, which regulates cellular metabolism and ensures the effectiveness of vitamin C with its ions. There are over 180 varieties of aloe, but only the Aloe Vera plant that has the greatest benefit for man thanks to the numerous applications in medicine. Its therapeutic advantages and particular health properties have been known for many years. Researchers have discovered that the ancient Chinese and Indian cultures used Aloe Vera to treat numerous diseases. The same goes for Egypt and the Philippines. These days, despite the conventional chemical medicines are very effective for healing, their prolonged use leads to complex interactions with other substances and drugs and can cause terrible side effects for the patient. Consequently, many scientists are returning to consider the most traditional and natural therapies that have long been ignored, including the Aloe Vera. If you cut the fruit into slices and leave any air, quickly changing color. And so the Aloe Vera. The active substance is contained within the gel of the leaf that is well protected by tough outer rind that prevents moisture loss and protects it from the surrounding atmosphere. Once the leaf is cut, the oxidation process begins and, if left to air, would deprive the valuable gel intrinsic many of its beneficial properties. These are the properties:

Regenerating: stimulates the growth of the epithelium in the wounds;
Energizing: Increased energy level of the body;
Proteolytic and healing: enzymatically dissolves and absorbs the dead cells or damaged, stimulating the regeneration;
Virostatica: hinders growth of the virus;
Bacteriostatic: hinders growth of bacteria;
Antipyretic: gives relief when you have a fever;
Hemostasis: it reduces the leakage of blood, wounds;
Antipruritic: relieves the itching;
Detoxification helps the detoxification of the body of impurities of toxins;
anticancer properties;
Wetting: it conditions the skin;
Analgesic: relieves pain;
Fungicide: hinders growth of fungi.

Just because you need to take it for many, every day, aloe vera is added to small meals and foods. It is mainly found in some beverages and also in specific candies. E 'possible to prepare sweet and savory pies with the addition of aloe vera.

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