About Me

Hello Foodlovers,

I'm Fifi and this is my blog, Fifi's Deli. I currently live in a little corner of the world, on the North Island of beautiful New Zealand. I am happily married with two lovely sons. In the making of this blog I have had great support from my family and friends. I am very passionate about cooking from a very young age. I absolutely love simplicity in food. For me, good food is about honest ingredients and great finished flavours. My passion has started in the kitchen. Where I grew up watching my own mother cook. She was my inspiration, in creating this food blog.

My blog showcases different cuisines from around Mediterranean. The blog is not limited to recipes, it also gives the reader an insight into the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet and particular ingredients unique to the Mediterreanean  kitchen. I hope you find this blog helpful and the recipes delicious.

                                          Yours Sincerely,