Flaxseed are ant-inflammatory because they contain a whopping 50 per cent omega-3 essential fatty acids,they also contain omega-6, phytochemicals, silica, mucilage,oleic acid,protein, vetamin E and fibre, and are a potent bowel cleanser.Flaxseeds aid with weight loss, treat constipation, may improve cardiovascular health, may improve female reproductive health, are liver protective, stabilise blood sugar levels, are soothing to the digestive tract, alkalising, may inhibit tumour formation. Flaxseed oil and ground flaxseed should be refrigerated at all times.
NOTE: Think of flaxseed oil as a healthy ingredient not as a supplment:Not recommend buying flaxseed oil in capsule and don't go popping pills all day and it is more beneficial as a food, incorporated into salad dressing and smoothies to increase their nutritional value.
Adults: Have 1-2 tablespoons of ground linseeds or flaxssed oil per day. Not necessary on the days you eat oily fish. Use flaxseed oil in homemade salad dressings. Add whole flaxseed to designer muesli or grind them in a coffee grinder for use on breakfast cereal or fruit salad.
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